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Significant links

Significant links

 Angus Reid Institute is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit public opinion research foundation that looks at issues and trends in Canadian society, including those related to religion.
 Canadian Civil Liberties Association is an independent, nongovernmental human rights organization that does work on freedom of religion in Canada.
 CanLII (Canadian Legal Information Institute) is a non-profit organization that provides free access to court judgments from all Canadian courts.
 CanLII Connects hosts a database of high-quality summaries and commentaries on Canadian court decisions.
 CBC Digital Archives has a database of radio and television programmes addressing religion in Canadian public schools from 1959 to 1990.
 Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria has an archive of lectures available on SoundCloud.
 Charity Village provides a list of religious organizations and charities across Canada.
 Faith in Canada 150 provides a list of faith-based organizations that are part of the Faith Alliance Network.
 Flourishing Congregations Institute, based at Ambrose University in Alberta, conducts and shares research on Christian congregations that are flourishing in Canada.
 Hypotheses hosts a research notebook on the history of francophone Protestants in Quebec (in French).
 Ontario Human Rights Commission provides articles from a 2012 special issue of Diversity Magazine on “Creed, freedom of religion and human rights” in the province of Ontario and Canada more broadly.
 Indiana University has a teaching module by Paul Gareau and Jeanine LeBlanc (University of Alberta) on the study of religion from an Indigenous Studies perspective.
 Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank in the United States that has an informative article on religion in Canada.

D 23 April 2021    ALauren Strumos

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