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Statistiques et principaux sondages 2022

 Teachers facing the expression of religious facts in school and attacks on secularism
IFOP for Ecran de veille, December 2022

 The view of the French on end of life
IFOP for Association pour le droit à mourir dans la dignité, October 2022

 French fractures 10
IPSOS- Sopra steria for Le Monde, la Fondation Jean Jaurès and Cevipof, October 2022

 The French and the end of life
IFOP for MGEN, July 2022

 The French and the Bible
IFOP for La Croix and ABF, June 2022

 The French and superstition
IFOP and Frédéric Esteban, May 2022

 The vote of confessional electorates in the second round of the presidential election
IFOP for La Croix and Le Pèlerin, April 2022

 Practising Catholics and the 2022 presidential election
IFOP for Ecrans de veille, March 2022

 The French facing the question of Islamism and Islamic communautarianism at the time of the presidential campaign
IFOP for Ecrans de veille, March 2022

 Public opinion on GPA and LGBT issues in the presidential campaign
IFOP for ADFH, March 2022

 Barometer on the fight against discrimination. Wave March 2022
Harris interactive for Pote à pote, March 2022

 Radiographie de l’antisémitisme en France- 2022 edition (Radiography of Antisemitism in France)
Fondapol, 2022

 Is France’s identity under threat ?
IFOP for Vae solis, January 2022

D 18 juillet 2022   

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