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Changes in the Civil Code

Since the Civil code was recently modified in 2001 and 2005, the man no longer has the status of family head. The couple is jointly responsible for their home, both represent their family as well as provide for its needs. They jointly decide where to live, how to manage family life and share the financial responsibilities (Art. 186).

Under the Turkish Civil Code, the only legal recognition of a union is through civil marriage. However, once a civil marriage has taken place, it is possible to organise a religious marriage if the spouses so wish.

The High Council for Religious Affairs (Din İşleri Yüksek Kurulu), which represents the supreme decision-making and consultative authority within the Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı) in religious matters, states that if the civil marriage is celebrated in the presence of families and relatives, in a public and not secret manner, and meets the criteria of a religious marriage, then it is recognised as religiously legitimate.

With the approval of the Ministry of Interior dated 30/11/2017 and numbered 132911, provincial and district muftis can perform civil marriage as well as religious marriage.

D 31 August 2023    AKerem Görkem Arslan ASamim Akgönül

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