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Des particularités régionales

Christians have absolute majority in several regions of Italy – they are more than two-thirds in Latium (with 32.1% Catholics and 26.5% Orthodox) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia and are in majority in Liguria (with 38.6% of Catholics), Trentino-South Tyrol, Umbria, Abruzzo, Campania and Molise. What is also remarkable is the significant number of Protestants in Sardinia (8.9%), of American and German origin especially.
Muslims make up 49% of foreigners in Valle d’Aosta and 40% in Apulia. More typically, they comprise 42.3% of foreigners in the Islands, 36.9% in the North, 31.8% in the South and only 24.1% in the Centre of Italy.

Source : Cesnur and Dossier Caritas on migrants.

D 27 septembre 2012    AAlessandra Marchi

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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