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The Eurel project is managed by the research centre UMR 7354 Droit, religion, entreprise et société (CNRS / University of Strasbourg), with the support of Groupe société, religion, laïcité (...)

The Eurel project is managed by the research centre UMR 7354 Droit, religion, entreprise et société (CNRS / University of Strasbourg), with the support of Groupe société, religion, laïcité (GSRL, EPHE, Paris).
It also has a partnership with IREL (Institute for the study of Religions and Laïcité, formerly IESR Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions)
The IESR (European Institute for Religious Studies) is part of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. It is a training organisation linked to the world of research which is a secular place of expertise and advice on the history and current events of secularism and religious issues.

EUREL is also in partnership with Axis 2 (devoted to relations with religion) of the France-Quebec research chair on contemporary issues of freedom of expression (COLIBEX).

D 30 November 2014   

Research and information networks and projects

EUREL is in relation with other projects and networks of research and information. EARS (European Academy on Religion and Society) European network of Departments and/or Faculties of Theology (...)

EUREL is in relation with other projects and networks of research and information.

 EARS (European Academy on Religion and Society)
European network of Departments and/or Faculties of Theology and/or Religious Studies.

 IPRA, Institut du Pluralisme Religieux et de l’Athéisme
The Institute for Religious Pluralism and Atheism (IPRA) aims at offering a centralized database of sources, literature and scientific promotion of research for scholars, teachers, students and the general public at large, on the topic of religious pluralism in Europe and the mediterranean space (5th-21st centuries).

Legislation concerning the religious activities and the organization of religious bodies in the EU member states.

 Mineurel (Religious minorities in Europe)
Bilingual website providing documents, information and information sources concerning minority religious groups in Europe.

Observatory of religions and secularism, Free University of Brussels.

 Religion and public institutions
This site offers a space for discussion, debate, networking, and information-sharing among the growing community of academics with an interest in research about religion in public institutions, including methodologies for its investigation.

D 12 January 2021   

Related institutions

Institutions in relation with the EUREL website:

Institutions in relation with the EUREL website:

D 12 December 2016   

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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