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Official documents and reports


Annual reports

 European Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

 ECRI (European Commission against racism and intolerance).

 U. S. Department on the freedom of religion.

 The Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (AIWG) offers numerous publications.


 UE Agency for Fundamental Rights, Antisemitism: Overview of antisemitic incidents recorded in the European Union 2010-2020, 2021

 Margherita Galassini, Religious or Belief Actors and the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, Center for Religious Studies, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, March 2021.

 Sergio DellaPergola, L. Daniel Staetsky, Jews in Europe at the turn of the Millennium. Population trends and estimates, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, October 2020.

 Pew Research Center, Religion and Living Arrangements Around the World, December 2019.

 OSCE/ODIHR, Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: Policy Guidance, September 2019.

 Pew Research Center, A Closer Look at How Religious Restrictions Have Risen Around the World, July 2019.

 Pew Research Center, A Changing World: Global Views on Diversity, Gender Equality, Family Life and the Importance of Religion; In Western European Countries With Church Taxes, Support for the Tradition Remains Strong, April 2019.

 Johannes DUE ENSTAD, Violence antisémite en Europe 2005-2015 (France, Allemagne, Suède, Norvège, Danemark, Russie et Royaume-Uni), Fondapol, septembre 2017.

 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism - Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU, December 2018.

 Pew Research Center report, How do European countries differ in religious commitment? Use our interactive map to find out, December 2018.

 Pew Research Center report, Eastern and Western Europeans Differ on Importance of Religion, Views of Minorities, and Key Social Issues, October 2018.

 ORELA Report, Religion and Secularism in the European Union, October 2018.

 Enes BAYRAKLI, Farid HAFEZ (Eds), European islamophobia, 2017 Report, Seta, 2018.

 Stephen BULLIVANT, Europe’s Young Adults and Religion. Findings from the European Social Survey (2014-16) to inform the 2018 Synod of Bishops, 2018.

 BertelsmannStiftung, Muslims in Europe: Integrated but not accepted?, 2017.

 Pew Research Center Report, Orthodox Christianity in the 21st century, 8 november 2017.

 European Union minorities and discrimination survey, Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims – Selected findings, September 2017.

 European Union minorities and discrimination survey, Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma – Selected findings, November 2016.

 Olivier ROY, final report of the research programme ReligioWest Rethinking the place of religion in European secularized societies: the need for more open societies, March 2016.

 Hervé MAUREY, Les collectivités territoriales et le financement des lieux de culte, étude de législation comparée, March 2015 (studies in comparative law on local authorities and the financing of places of worship).

 Pew Resarch Center, Religious Hostilities and Religious Minorities in Europe, 2015.

 ENAR (European Network against Racism), Recycling Hatred: Racism(s) in Europe Today, 2013.

 European Agency for Fundamental Rights, Discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States: experiences and perceptions of antisemitism, 2013.

 Jocelyne CESARI, Religion and Diasporas: Challenges of the Emigration Countries, INTERACT Research Report, 2013/01.

 Report USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom), 2013.

 CIDOB, Addressing tolerance and diversity discourses in Europe, 2012.

 Amnesty International, Choice and prejudice: discrimination against Muslims in Europe, 2012.

 ENAR (European Network against Racism), Racism in Europe, 2011-2012.

 Beate KÜPPER, Andreas ZICK, Religion and Prejudice in Europe: New Empirical Findings, 2010, (94 p.).

 Javier MARTINEZ-TORRON et W. COLE DURHAM Junior (dir.), La religion et l’État laïque: rapports nationaux interim / Religion and the Secular State: Interim National Reports. Provo (UT): International Center for Law and Religion Studies, 2010.

 Stefano ALLIEVI, Conflicts over Mosques in Europe, 2009 (104 p.)

 Dimitrina PETROVA, Jarlath CLIFFORD, Religion and Healthcare in the European Union, Policy issues and trends, 2009 (93 p.)

 European Union minorities and discrimination survey, EU-MIDIS Data in Focus Report 2: Muslims, 2009.

 Luce PÉPIN, Teaching about Religions in European School Systems, 2009 (70 p.)

 Gabriel MOTZKIN, Yochi FISCHER (ed.), Religion and democracy in contemporary Europe, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Network of European Foundations, 2008 (198 p.)

 Amnesty International France, Droit et religions dans les Etats membres de l’Union Européenne, May 2008 (224 p.)

 Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, Islam at the European Universities, 2006.

 European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, Muslims in the European Union. Discrimination and Xenophobia, 2006.

 Régine AZRIA, Albert BASTENIER, Olivier BOBINEAU, Jérôme VIGNON, Croyances religieuses, morales et éthiques dans le processus de construction européenne. Rapport du Commissariat général du plan (Religious, ethic and moral beliefs in Europe), Paris, La Documentation française, 2002 (170 p.)

 SÉNAT, Le financement des communautés religieuses, 2001.
On the financing of religions in Europe.

D 19 March 2021   

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