Historical survey
The indo-Europeisation process in the Carpath-Danubian-Pontic space
The process began during the passage of the indo-European migrating communities who were engaged in sheep farming in this region during the Bronze Age. The appearance of the Thracian people who, (...)
The Romanisation of the Dacian people
101-106 AD: the Dacian territory was conquered after the two wars against the Romans under Emperor Trojan; the Romanisation process began. 271: the Roman empire withdrew his army from the (...)
The formation of medieval Roman States
Transylvania, the western region of Romania, was established in two steps: from the 9th Century to the second half of the 11th Century: the appearance of political structures organised into (...)
Political and religious life from 14th to the 16th Century
Orthodox Christianity has been the religion of the Romanian people since the beginning. It was the Apostle Andrew who, in the first Century, evangelised the Drobogean region lying on the coast (...)
Political life from 17th to 19th century
– 1600: first unification of the three Romanian provinces namely Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania under the voivode Micahel the Brave (Mihai Viteazul - 1593-1601). The union lasted one year (...)
The establishment and reinforcement of the modern Romanian State (1859-1881)
1859: unification of the Romanian principalities of Wallacia and Moldavia through the appointment of the same candidate in both countries, Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The new state was called (...)
Romania during the period 1916-1948
1914: death of the King Carol I. King Ferdinand I, who was the nephew and therefore a direct descendant of the German Prince Hohenzollern, became the successor of the King Carol I. 1916–1918: (...)
Romania and communism
1948: Romania was governed by the Communist Party with Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej as the President (1948–1965). The parliament was dissolved and the country was ruled by the Great National (...)
The fall of communism
1987-1989: Ceausescu rejected Gorbatchev’s proposition to establish the perestroïka and glasnost. 17 December 1989: beginning of the Romanian Revolution against the communist regime in (...)
Romania and the international institutions
7 October 1993: Romania became member of the Council of Europe.
29 March 2004: Romania became member of the NATO.
1st January 2007: Romania became member of the European Union.