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Repères bibliographiques


GILLEY, Sheridan, SHIELDS, W.J., eds. A History of Religion in Britain. Oxford : Blackwell, 1994.

GILLEY, Sheridan, SHIELDS, W.J., eds. A History of Religion in Britain. Oxford : Blackwell, 1994.

D 12 septembre 2012   

Sociologie des religions

BRIERLEY, Peter (ed), UK Christian Handbook Religious Tends (four editions). London : Christian Research, 1998-2003.
BROWN, Callum, The Death of Christian Britain : Understanding (...)

BRIERLEY, Peter (ed), UK Christian Handbook Religious Tends (four editions). London : Christian Research, 1998-2003.

BROWN, Callum, The Death of Christian Britain : Understanding Secularisation 1800-2000. London : Routledge, 2001.

BRUCE, Steve, Religion in Modern Britain. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995.

CHADWICK, Henry, WARD, Allison (eds). Not Angels, but Anglicans : A History of Christianity in the British Isles. Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2000.

CHAMBERS, Paul, Religion, Secularization and Social Change in Wales. University of Wales Press, 2005.

DAVIE, Grace, Religion in Britain since 1945 : Believing without Belonging. Oxford : Blackwell, 1994.

PARSONS, Gerald (ed), The Growth of Religious Diversity : Britain from 1945 (two volumes). London : Routledge, 1994.

ROSMAN, Doreen, The Evolution of the English Churches, 1500-2000. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003.

RYAN, Ben, A Very Modern Ministry : Chaplaincy in the UK, Theos / Cardiff center for chaplaincy studies, 2015.

VOAS, David, "Is Britain a Christian country ?" in Paul AVIS (ed.) Public Faith ? The State of Religious Belief and Practice in Britain, London : SPCK, 2003, p. 92-105.

VOAS, David, CROCKETT Alasdair, "Religion in Britain : Neither believing nor belonging", Sociology 39 (1), p. 11-28.

D 12 septembre 2012   

Droit des religions

DOE Norman, "Law and Religion in the Workplace : the United Kingdom”, in RODRÍGUEZ BLANCO Miguel (ed.), Law and religion in the workplace, Proceedings of the XXVIIth annual conference of the (...)

DOE Norman, "Law and Religion in the Workplace : the United Kingdom”, in RODRÍGUEZ BLANCO Miguel (ed.), Law and religion in the workplace, Proceedings of the XXVIIth annual conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 November 2015, Granada, Comares, December 2016, p. 379-403.

McCLEAN David, "State and Church in the United Kingdom", in ROBBERS Gerhard (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Third ed., Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2019, p. 657-676.

D 3 septembre 2019   

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