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L’enseignement religieux

In a highly centralised system, training and recruitment of public school teachers, development of study programmes and the drawing up, printing and distribution of educational texts is guaranteed mainly by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Thus, religious instruction programmes and the drafting of religion course manuals are established by the Ministry in collaboration with the Educational Institute (consultative organism of the Ministry).
Religion is taught as such within the context of a compulsory religion class for all orthodox students in primary and secondary schools, both in the public and private sector. In primary school and during the first three years of secondary school (gymnasio) there are two hours of religious instruction per week and one hour per week during the remaining years of secondary school (lykeio).
Besides religion classes, religious instruction for students includes group prayer in the mornings at the school and participating at mass during religious celebrations.

D 19 septembre 2012    ALina Molokotos

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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