eurel     Données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en Europe et au-delà

La croyance religieuse

Believing in God is still relatively important, but Greek society preserves a rather passive commitment to the Church, with most Greeks only attending religious services on special occasions and on national and religious holidays. This underlines the importance of Orthodoxy as a popular religion and a cultural, spiritual and historical reservoir diffused of reference for Greek society, even among non-practicing Greeks.
In 1999, Greece was included for the first time in the European Values Study (EVS) ; see Loek HALMAN, The European Values Study : a third Wave, Tilburg, EVS WORC, Tilburg University, 2001, p. 78.
According to this study, 93.8% of Greeks say they believe in God, the European average is 77.4% (EVS, 2001, p. 80, 86).

D 19 septembre 2012    ALina Molokotos

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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