eurel     Données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en Europe et au-delà

Le protestantisme

The Protestant community in Spain is made up of approximately 350, 000 members. According to data provided by the Federación de Entidades Religiosas Evangélicas de España (FEREDE), the Federation of the Evangelical Religious Groups of Spain, for the year 2000, another 100, 000 should be added to include the Protestant immigrants coming from non-Community countries. Since the end of General Franco’s dictatorship, followed by the promulgation of the Ley de Libertad Religiosa, its numbers have constantly increased, seeing that their numbers jumped from 40, 000 in 1960 to 100, 000 in 1980, then to 200, 000 in 1990, finally reaching the figure mentioned above in 2000.

D 13 septembre 2012    AIrene González González

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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