Aperçu général
- Area : 41,508 km².
- Population (2018) : 17,181,084 (density 510/km²).
- Capital : Amsterdam ; seat of the government : Den Haag.
- Largest cities and number of inhabitants (2018) : Amsterdam (854,047), Rotterdam (638,712), Den Haag (532,561), Utrecht (347,483), Eindhoven (229,126).
- Official language : Dutch.
- Regions : The Netherlands is made up of 12 provinces : Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, Flevoland, Gelderland, Zeeland, Overijssel, Brabant and Limburg.
- Ethnic groups (2018) : 76.9% Ethnic Dutch, 23.1% various others.
Source : Statistics Netherlands, StatLine.