eurel     Données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en Europe et au-delà


  • October 2021 : Religious gatherings in front of abortion clinics

As it can happen in other countries, women who attend abortion clinics in Spain often face the harassment of people who gather to pray in front of the clinics’ doors. According to data gathered by the Association of Clinics Accredited to Interrupt Pregnancy in 2018, 89% of women who attend those clinics report having been harassed at the entrance and 66% report having been threatened. The issue has gained public attention recently. After several civil society organisations mobilised from 2019 to request that the government take action, the congress has admitted to discussion a proposal made by the Socialist Party in September 2021 to change the penal code. The change proposed would criminalise the harassment of women in front of such clinics and any other form of obstacle to women’s freedom in regard to abortion.
Such forms of harassment in front of clinics, as well as online, are regulated as a crime in France by the law 2017-347. In other European countries, such gatherings are banned.

For current news on the topic, see : El Pais, El Periódico, Libération.

D 13 octobre 2021    AJulia Martínez-Ariño

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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