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  • January 2022 : Publication of the results of the 2021 national census on religiosity

2021 was a year of national census. The results of the part concerning religion have been publicly announced 20 January by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. According to data, Slovakia has remained a predominantly Christian country with a high number of believers (67,6% of the total population). The number of Catholics has decreased during the last twenty years (from 68,9% in 2001 to 55,8% in 2021). On the contrary, the population without religion had doubled their numbers in the last thirty years (from 9,8% in 1991 to 23,8% in 2021). For the first time in history, the census also published the numbers of people claiming some sort of contemporary pagan religion – 0,074%. The biggest surprise of the census was a relatively high number of people who claimed they are followers of Svedkovia Liehovoví (Witness of Alcogod), invented religion mocking alcoholism, religious formalism and criticising the strict law of registration of religious societies.

D 6 avril 2022    AMichal Puchovský AMiroslav Tížik

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