Europe and Canada
Official reports
– European Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Annual Report.
– OSCE/ODIHR, Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: Policy Guidance, September 2019.
– U.S. Department on the freedom of religion, Annual Report.
Bibliographic references
CHRISTIANS Louis-Léon, "La dé-limitation de la liberté religieuse en droit de l’Union européenne", in B. Duarte (dir.), Manifester sa religion : droits et limites. Paris, l’Harmattan, 2011, p. 103-131.
EMILIANIDES Achilles (ed.), Religious Freedom in the European Union: The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the European Union, Peeters, Leuven, 2011.
EVANS Malcom D., Religious liberty and international law in Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2008 (Cambridge studies in international and comparative law).
GONZALEZ Gérard, Laïcité, liberté de religion et Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : actes du colloque organisé le 18 novembre 2005 par l’IDEDH. Bruxelles, Bruylant/Nemesis, 2006.
HUNTER-HENIN Myriam (ed.), Law, religious freedoms and education in Europe. Farnham, Ashgate, 2012. (Cultural diversity and law).
MOTILLA Agustín (ed.), Immigration, National and Regional Laws and Freedom of Religion, Peeters, Leuven, 2012.
MURDOCH Jim, La protection du droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion par la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe, 2012 (Série des précis sur les droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe).
Significant links
– Obervatory of the freedom of religion
This observatory funded by the Catholic association "Aide à l’Eglise en détresse" (helping churches in distress), founded in 1947, provides a regularly updated documentary base on the situation of the main religious denominations in more than a hundred countries around the world, on all continents. For each country, a sheet presents statistical data and religious legislation.
– Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - Freedom of religion or belief
Role of the OSCE in promoting religious freedom in the participating States.
– Strasbourg Consortium
This site is dedicated to reporting and commenting upon issues involving freedom of conscience, religion, or belief throughout the member states of the Council of Europe, with particular focus on the work of the European Court of Human Rights.
20 September 2019