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Theological faculties and colleges

There are now no religious tests for entry into any university. There are however a number of posts in certain theology faculties, notably in Oxford and Durham, which are held with canonries of a Church of England cathedral church and so are effectively restricted to Anglican priests. In other universities, the staff of theological faculties or departments are appointed under the usual university procedures with no church involvement; and indeed no religious allegiance is required.

Theological colleges provide ministerial training and, in some cases, other theological education (for example, distance learning programmes for lay students). Typically, a theological college is owned by a trust, but is subject to inspection by the church authorities which decide at which colleges clergy training may take place and the. number of places to be taken up in this way. Increasingly, colleges are entering into relationships with local universities. The colleges remain independent (and most of the students receive no grant from state funds) but the relevant University may admit college students to its degree courses.

D 11 September 2012    ADavid McClean

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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