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Une protection contre la discrimination

Article 18 of the Constitution of Cyprus protects the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including “protection against any discrimination, freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance”.

With the accession of Cyprus to the European Union in 2004, the House of Representatives voted for The Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation Law (58 (I) / 2004), which prohibits discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation in employment and occupation. This applies to all persons in the public or private sectors. The provisions cover all aspects of labor relations ; including recruitment criteria, promotions, access to vocational orientation, vocational training, education or acquiring practical work experience, working conditions and terms of employment, including remuneration, dismissal and membership or participation to employees or employers’ organization.

For a more effective implementation of the framework against discrimination, two authorities were established within the Office of the Commissioner for Administration : the Anti-Discrimination Body and the Equality Authority. The latter investigates “complaints of people who believe that they are victims of discrimination in employment or occupation, […] on grounds pertaining to their racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, age, special needs, sexual orientation or sex”.

For futher information, see EMILIANIDES Achilles, IOANNOU Christina, "Law and relgion in the workplace in Cyprus” in RODRÍGUEZ BLANCO Miguel (ed.), Law and religion in the workplace, Proceedings of the XXVIIth annual conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 November 2015, Granada, Comares, December 2016, p. 117-126.

D 18 décembre 2014    AEleonora Kyriakou

CNRS Unistra Dres Gsrl

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